Monday, November 21, 2011

Ryan Gosling is driving places

OrDiNaRy WoRlD Ryan Gosling works at a Car Place working on peoples cars.

CaLl To AdVeNtUrE Ryan Gosling is hired as a wheel man and gets a contract for a pay day.

ReFuSaL Of ThE CaLl Ryan Gosling thinks twice about what he's doing for a certain girl.

MeEtInG WiTh ThE MeNtOr Ryan Gosling meets with Shannon his boss to think about the plan.

CrOsSiNg ThE ThReShOlD Ryan Gosling gets in the car and gets ready to drive as a wheel man for a a robbery
TeStS, AlLiEs, EnEmY's He faces the risk of getting caught and getting killed. His Allies are Shannon and Irene. his Enemys are the guys that he slays in the movie brutally.

ApPrOaCh The Job that he is doing goes wrong and the guy that he was driving for the robbery gets shot as hes running out of the pawn shop with the money.

OrDeAl Ryan Gosling faces life or death in many different situations because he has grown to have many enemys.

ReWaRd he gets the girl and money

ThE RoAd BaCk Ryan gosling doesn't make it back to the ordinary world because he dies at the very end of the movie.

ReSuRrEcTiOn Ryan gosling faces off with Rose at a restaurant he hands over the cash, while he is handing over the money Rose pulls out a knife and stabs him in the stomach then Ryan Gosling pulls out his own knife and stabs Rose right in the neck Ryan Gosling gets out of the parking lot and drives away in his car leaving Roses dead body behind. As Ryan Gosling is cruising down the street with his wound listening to music.

ReTuRn WiTh ElIxOr Ryan Gosling Heals himself by listening to some music.

1 comment:

  1. I bet Officer thurston has gay fantasies about ryan gosling
